Kindergarten through 6th Grade

The elementary years are a time for growing, changing, and learning. Our goal is to provide a setting where every student can learn, and each person is respected, valued, and challenged. We celebrate diversity and the uniqueness of each individual. Working together, students, teachers, and parents make the school an exemplary environment for learning.
Curriculum Guides
Language Arts
The elementary language arts curriculum embraces a balanced literacy approach to reading and writing instruction. The reading program emphasizes phonemic awareness and incorporates grammar and writing skills. This curriculum also incorporates quality literature and strongly connects the reading and writing program to develop proficiency in both areas.
In grades three through six, novel units enhance themes taught in the other disciplines and develop an appreciation for various genres of literature. Additionally, the Shurley Grammar program in conjunction with spelling and vocabulary study, round out the language arts curriculum. Above all, our goal is to instill a love of reading and writing in each child and to encourage students to become lifelong learners.
The mathematics curriculum provides a foundational knowledge of mathematical skills crucial to problem solving in real world situations. Therefore, math manipulatives, hands-on activities, group projects, centers, and drills to facilitate mathematical understanding are some of the instructional methods we use. The primary focus is to teach number recognition, patterns, computation, reasoning, problem solving skills, and algebra. We encourage students to apply these skills in many different ways. Each student is taught to have a mathematical cognitive structure that builds upon prior learning and fosters a solid foundation for future math instruction.
Social Studies
The social studies curriculum seeks to prepare the students for the complex world in which they live. The curriculum provides opportunities for discussion about the world and its history. From the study of our local history to the study of ancient cultures, Grace elementary students are exposed to the economics, politics and sociology that brought us to our modern day.
The science curriculum at Grace connects scientific principles to everyday life and encourages our students to draw inferences about the world around them. We encourage our students to use the scientific method to test these inferences. The curriculum is hands-on, age appropriate, and easily integrated into all subject matters. Additionally, field trips, science projects, and experiments enrich the science program.
Christian and Character Education
Christian formation and character education are the very heart of our school. Therefore, we provide Christian education classes for every grade level and teach students to grow in their relationship with Christ. Students of all faiths are invited to participate.
Grace is a member of the National Association of Episcopal Schools. And we follow that organization’s beliefs that “Episcopal schools have been established not solely as communities for Christians, like a parish church, but as ecumenical and diverse ministries of educational and human formation for people of all faiths and backgrounds.
Episcopal schools are populated by a rich variety of human beings, from increasingly diverse religious, cultural, and economic backgrounds. And the intentional pluralism of most Episcopal schools is a hallmark of their missions. Moreover, it is a distinguishing characteristic of these schools that they seek to integrate religious and spiritual formation into the overall curriculum and life of each school community.
Episcopal schools are clear, yet graceful, about how they articulate and express their basic identities, especially in their religious curricula and traditions. They invite all who attend and work in them, Episcopalians and non-Episcopalians, Christians and non-Christians, people of no faith tradition to seek clarity about their own beliefs and religions and to honor those traditions more fully and faithfully in their own lives. Above all, Episcopal schools exist not merely to educate, but to demonstrate and proclaim the unique worth and beauty of all human beings as creations of a loving, empowering God.
The art program builds on the foundation laid in preschool and revisits some media in a more sophisticated way. Children learn to love art while experiencing a wide range of media and activities. These may include drawing, painting, carving, acrylics, tempuras, watercolors, printmaking, weaving, and ceramics. Art history and appreciation, color and design principles, and drawing and painting techniques are also part of the lessons. While this program fosters creativity and develops skills appropriate to age levels, students also learn to appreciate great artists and their works.
Physical Education
Physical education lessons teach students the fundamentals of different sports with an emphasis on promoting physical health and good sportsmanship.
Library time provides students with the opportunity to check out books and learn about the layout of the library. We also introduce research skills and proper digital citizenship for the upper elementary grades.
Students focus on the basic concepts and vocabulary. They learn simple sentences, greetings, questions and answers, and participate in activities that will allow them to practice their Spanish skills. The teacher uses traditional Hispanic songs, games, and stories to incorporate the Spanish culture. Spanish instruction focuses on grammar, reading and writing, vocabulary, and conversation.
Students study musical notation, recognizing the direction of melodic lines, major and minor sounds, musical forms, styles, and structure, and how these ideas relate to music today. They learn to play, compose, and perform music using their voices and various instruments including drums, ukuleles, and Orff instruments. Units on important composers and musical styles from around the world are part of the music curriculum. Students have numerous opportunities to use their musical abilities. We schedule programs throughout the school year to showcase the student’s vocal and instrumental talents.
Technology and STEM
The technology and STEM program in the elementary division is constantly evolving. The use of technology at Grace enriches and expands the learning opportunities for all students, allows for differentiated learning, project-based learning, and promotes creativity, problem-solving, and collaboration. This program helps prepare our students for the future.