
Grace Episcopal Day School offers a developmentally appropriate preschool program that follows a learning-through-play curriculum. Namely, we nurture and support each area of a child’s development with intentional activities that are fun and engaging.
Our curriculum provides a variety of sensory activities to stimulate the students’ awareness of the world around them. These sensory activities help facilitate social and communication skills. Additionally, math skills like sorting, counting, and one-to-one correspondence lay the foundation for number sense for students. At the same time, the nationally recognized Handwriting Without Tears curriculum develops fine motor skills to get students ready for writing. So on a daily basis, we offer activities to help students practice their communication skills, fine and gross motor skills, problem solving, and social skills.
Grace preschool students participate in several resource classes as well. They visit Spanish class, art class, Christian Formation, and music class. Also, they visit the library and attend their own chapel service in the Grace Episcopal Chapel once a week.
Students complete the preschool program ready to enter Kindergarten with an enthusiasm for learning!