We will have a soccer team for 2nd-6th graders. Practices will be on Mondays and Thursdays from 3:15-4:30, beginning the week of the 19th (this is a change). The cost is $150 and the registration paperwork is due no later than next Monday, …
Grace 3rd and 4th graders’ service learning project this year is to help Angels for Allison. Angels for Allison is a non-profit organization that provides funds for funeral expenses to families who have lost a child ages 0 through 18. …
Click Here to Nominate/Vote for Grace Today! Let’s Make It A 3-Peat! After winning the Best of Clay Private School, Preschool, and Tutoring Center categories last year, we noticed an increase in community awareness about our school. This is great …
This year we are “hosting” our own March Madness Reading Challenge. Here and below, you will find a Sweet Sixteen bracket for your child. The goal is to read sixteen age and ability appropriate books during the month of March. This may …
This Spring we are excited to offer 6th-8th grade Spring Flag Football. Practices will be on Mondays and Thursdays, and games will be on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Registration information is due to Mrs. Ginger Friday, March 5th. If you have …
Fifth graders had fun in Technology coding handheld computers called Micro:bits to send messages wirelessly to each other!
Did you know that everyone’s lips have their own unique print, just like fingerprints? These 8th graders spent some time learning about lip prints and cheiloscopy last week in STEM.
Volunteers from the Clay County Humane Society visited students at Grace last week. They brought therapy dogs with them and talked to the students about how they are trained, what they do, their purpose, and how to become a trainer. …
5th graders began a paper circuit project a few weeks ago in the Think Tank by reviewing how circuits work. Then, students custom designed the front of a greeting card for a family member. Finally, students created the paper circuit …
Help us in supporting the Clay County Safe Animal Shelter by donating old blankets, old towels, old pillow cases, pet toys, dog food, and cat food. Drop off items at school any time before Friday, January 29th.