Upcoming Events
Parent Teacher Conferences
Please join us for Parent Teacher Conferences, Monday and Tuesday, August 12th and 13th. The partnership between teacher and family is essential. This meeting gives you, the parent, a chance to share your insight into your child’s academic, social, and …
Back to School Bash
We are so excited to invite you all to the Back to School Bash! Join us for food and fun to get ready to come back to school. This will be on August 13th from 4 to 6 PM!
First Day of School
Wednesday August 14th is our first day back at school! PK3, PK4, and K students can be dropped off at the preschool carpool gate from 7:50-8:05 AM. 1st-8th grade students can be dropped off at the covered walkway on the 1st-8th grade …
Blessing of the Backpacks
Blessing of the Backpacks: Sunday, August 18, 10:30 AM Please come and join with members of Grace Church and School for the annual Blessing of the Backpacks. All students and teachers should bring their backpacks or school bags with them …
Super Summer Readers Recognized at Flag
Super Summer Readers Recognized at Flag This summer we hosted a reading challenge. All children (graces 3rd-8th) that completed the reading challenge and turned in a completed reading log will be recognized at Flag on August 26th at 8:15 a.m. They will also be invited …
Teacher Professional Development Day
Friday, October 11th is a Teacher Professional Development Day, so there will be no school for students. Extended Day will be open though. Students return to school on Tuesday, October 15th.
School Holiday
There is a school holiday for students and teachers on Monday, October 14th. Extended Day will be closed.
Episcopal Schools Celebration
On October 23rd, our 4th through 8th graders will attend the Episcopal Schools Celebration at St. John's Cathedral.
Picture Day
Wednesday, November 6th is Picture Day for students. Bring your smile and look your best in your Chapel uniform.
School Holiday – Veteran’s Day
There is a school holiday for teachers or students on Monday, November 11th to honor Veteran's Day. Extended Day will be open on that day.
Ingathering and Noon Dismissal
Ingathering and Noon Dismissal We can't wait to see you and your family at Grace's annual Ingathering service on Friday, November 22nd, followed by our outdoor Friendsgiving meal. If you and your family plan on attending, please RSVP by November 7th. …
Lessons and Carols Chapel
Grace Episcopal ChurchGrace Episcopal Day School will have its Lessons and Carols Chapel Program on December 20th at Grace Episcopal Church at 10:30 a.m. We will dismiss students at noon.